Emphasizing the rehabilitation of prisoners rather than just punishment

Resolution #
Motion Date
Passed Unanimously
Resolution Signatories
Related Department
Resolution Document
Resolution Contents

It is observed with concern that prisons do not fulfill the cause of their creation that is reformation of criminals. In Jails, the emphasis is on punishment of criminal offenses, rather than rehabilitation of offenders.

The relevant departments should carry out their actual purpose of ultimately rehabilitating convicts to eventually become law abiding citizens and productive members of Pakistani society.

This House demands that:

1.     Concrete efforts should be made to change the concept of prisons as Crime Nursery.

2.     Prisons should be restructured as rehabilitation centers and corrective institutions.

3.     Such facilities should be provided in the prisons that after completion of sentence, the criminals could easily be mainstreamed in the society. For that vocational training programs should be implemented within the prison structures.

4.     To enhance prison’s capacity, existing prisons should be extended and new prisons should be constructed.

5.     Number of juvenile prisons should also be increased so to properly rehabilitate young offenders to make them law abiding citizens.

6.     Provision of basic necessities including clean potable water, hygienic food and clean toilets should be ensured.

7.     Moreover, this House demands that Pakistan Prison Act, 1894 and Prisoners Act of 1900 should be updated according to the need of time, so that concept of prisons as crime nurseries may be changed into correctional facilities.