
**The Glossary is being updated

Absolute Majority – more than half the votes of the total membership of the Assembly;

Abstain – to refrain from voting for or against a motion;

Act – a Bill passed by the Parliament and assented to by the President. In the case of Provincial Assemblies it is assented by the Governor;

Adjournment – to suspend proceedings to another time;

Adjournment Sine Die – to suspend the proceedings without fixing a time or date for the next meeting;

Adjournment Motion – a motion to adjourn the business of the Assembly for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of immediate, urgent public importance;

Adjournment of Debate – Postponement of a debate on a Motion/Resolution/Bill on which the Assembly is then engaged to some other time or date;

 Agenda – the list of business to be brought before the Assembly or Committee for consideration and decision at its sitting on any day;

 Amending Act – an Act of Assembly whose sole purpose is to modify another Act or Acts;

Amendment – a motion to amend an earlier motion before that earlier motion is put to the Assembly for decision;

Ascertainment – the process to determine that which one member of the Assembly commands the confidence of the majority of the members;

Ayes and Noes – the word used for voting ayes for ‘yes’ and noes for ‘no’ in the Assembly;

Backbenchers – the members other than Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Advisors and Special Assistants;

Bicameral – a Legislature that consists of two House; the Parliament of Pakistan is
bi-cameral consisting of Senate and National Assembly, while in the provinces it is unicameral;

By-election – it is held when a seat in the Assembly becomes vacant during its lifetime (i.e. between two general elections) due to death, resignation, unseating or disqualification of a member;

Bill – a proposal for making a new law or amending an existing one;

Budget  the statement of the estimated receipts and expenditures of the Federal or a Provincial Government for a fiscal year which the said government should lay before an Assembly in every financial year;

Bulletin – means the Bulletin of the Assembly containing-

(a) a brief record of the proceedings of the Assembly at each of its


(b) information of any matter relating to or connected with the

Assembly or other matter which in the opinion of the Speaker

is to be included therein; and

(c) information regarding the Committees;

Business – any matter which can be brought before the Assembly under the Constitution and the Rules;

Cabinet – it consists of Ministers, with the Prime Minister or Chief Minister at its head

Call Attention Notice – a notice by which a special question of public importance may be raised;

Casting Vote – a deciding vote used by the Presiding Officer of the Assembly, when the votes on both sides are equal;

Chair – the Presiding Officer at a meeting of the House or a committee;

Chairman – it means the Chairman of the Senate and includes the Deputy Chairman or in relation to a particular Committee, a member who is performing the function of the Chairman;

Chamber – the place where the Assembly meets to transact its business;

Chief Whip – a member of a political party in an Assembly whose primary task is to ensure the presence and discipline of the members of the party in the Assembly;

Clause (of a bill) – divisions of a bill consisting of an individual sentence or statement; once a bill becomes law, its clauses are referred to as sections;

Clause-by-Clause Consideration – the stage for consideration of a Bill when it is considered clause by clause and at this stage amendment can be proposed in the clauses of the Bill;

Closure – it is one of the means by which a debate may be brought to a close by a majority decision of the Assembly, even though all members wishing to speak have not done so;

Committee – group of members who are nominated by the Assembly for special purpose or subject;

Constitution – the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973;

Constituency – a constituency for Assembly delimited under the Delimitation of Constituencies Act, 1974 (XXXIV of 1974);

Constituent – a registered voter in a constituency;

Cut motions – a motion moved by a member to reduce the amount of a demand for grant;

Debate – a discussion in which the arguments for or against a subject are presented in the Assembly according to rules;

Dissolution – the bringing to an end of an Assembly, either on the expiry of its five-year term or otherwise in accordance with the provision of the Constitution;

Division – a mode of voting by dividing members into two groups (ayes and noes) in order to reach a decision;

Division Bell – the Speaker will order a Division to be held by uttering the word “Division” and shall direct that the Division bells be rung for five minutes to enable members not present in the chamber to return to their places;

Election – the process of choosing a representative by vote;

Ex-Officio Member – generally taken to be a person, who, by virtue of an office or position held, is officially attached to a committee as a non voting member;

Expunction – words used in debates, which are defamatory, indecent, un-parliamentary or un-dignified, the speaker may, in his discretion, either during the debate or subsequently, order that such words be expunged from the proceedings;

Federal and Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account – all revenues received by the Federal or the Provincial Government, all loans raised by that Government, and all moneys received by it in repayment or any loan, shall form part of a consolidated fund, to be known as the Federal or the Provincial Consolidated Fund.

All other moneys received by or on behalf of the Federal or the Provincial Government; or received by or deposited with the Supreme Court or High Court or any other court established under the authority of the Federation or Province; shall be credited to the Public Account of the Federation or Province;

Finance Bill – the Bill introduced in each year to give effect to the financial proposals of the Government for the next financial year, and includes a Bill to give effect to Supplementary financial proposals for any period;

Fiscal Year – the twelve month period, from July 1 to June 30, used by the Government for budgetary and accounting purposes;

Floor of the House – the part of the Chamber of the Assembly reserved for the Members and the officials of the Assembly;

Galleries – areas in the Assembly set aside for the public, the press and distinguished visitors;

Gazette – the official Gazette of the Assembly;

General discussion – a minister or a member may give notice of a motion that any policy or situation may be discussed by the Assembly;

Leader of the House – means the Prime Minister or a Minister appointed by the Prime Minister to represent Government and regulate Government business in the National Assembly or the Senate. In the Provincial Assembly the Chief Minister or a member designated by the Chief Minister to represent Government and regulate Government business in the Assembly;

Leader of Opposition – a member who, in the opinion of the Speaker, is the leader of the majority of the members in the Opposition;

Legislation – the process of making a law;

Legislative Process – the process by which bills are approved by Assembly and become laws after the assent of the President or Governor;

Limitation of Debate – a procedure preventing further adjournment of debate on any motion or on any stage of a bill and requiring that the motion come to a vote at the end of the sitting in which it is invoked;

Lobby – means the covered corridor immediately adjoining the Chamber and conterminous with it;

Guillotine – a provision in the rules which requires that the Assembly reach a decision on a given matter by a particular date or at the end of a specified period of time. It is not preceded by a motion;

Maiden speech – the first speech of a member after his election for the first time. It is a recognized parliamentary convention that a member making a maiden speech is not interrupted by another member;

Majlis-e-Shoora – also referred to as the Parliament, it comprises the National Assembly, Senate and the President under Article 50 of the Constitution;

Member – a member of the Assembly and for purposes of moving or opposing a Bill, an amendment, a motion or a resolution, includes a Minister;

Member-in-Charge – the member who introduces a Bill in the Assembly;

Minister – it means the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister, a federal minister, a minister of state or a provincial minister;

Minutes – are the instant written record of a meeting;

Money Bill – a Bill or amendment which if enacted and brought into operation would involve expenditure from the Federal or Provincial Consolidated Fund or withdrawal from the Public Account of the Federation or Province.

Mover – the member who initiates a resolution, a motion or an amendment of a Bill;

Motion – a proposal made by a member or a minister relating to any matter which may be discussed by the Assembly;

Motion of Thanks – a formal motion moved only in the Parliament, expressing its gratitude for the address delivered by the President, under Article 56 of the Constitution, to either the National Assembly or both the National Assembly and the Senate assembled together

No-Confidence Motion  a motion moved against the Prime Minister, Chairman Senate, Deputy Chairman Senate, Chief Minister, Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the National or Provincial Assembly that he has lost confidence of the majority of the Assembly;

Oath of Office – swearing by a member before taking seat in the Assembly

Opposition – the party or parties which do not belong to the ruling party;

Out of Order – the expression may be applied to motions, bills or to any intervention which runs contrary to the rules or procedures of the Assembly;

Panel of Chairmen – panel of members nominated by the Speaker or the Chairman to preside over the session of the Assembly in their absence;

Point of Order – a point raised during proceedings of the Assembly and relates to the interpretation or enforcement of these rules or such Articles of the Constitution that regulate the business of the Assembly and shall raise a question which is within the cognizance of the Speaker or Chairman;

Precedent  a Speaker’s or Chairman’s past ruling or practice of the Assembly taken as a rule for subsequent cases of a similar nature but not all decisions and practices constitute precedents;

Precincts of the Assembly – the Assembly Chamber’s building, courtyard and gardens, Committee rooms appurtenant thereto, and includes the hall, members’ lobbies/rooms, galleries, gardens, parking lot, the Ministers and other offices of the Government located in the Assembly Building, and the offices of the Assembly Secretariat and any other premises which are notified as such for a specified time by the Speaker or Chairman in the Gazette;

Presiding Officer – in relation to a sitting of the Assembly, means any person who is conducting that sitting;

Press Gallery – a gallery in the Assembly reserved for accredited members of the media;

Private Member’s Bill – is a proposed law introduced by a private member;

Private Member – a member who is not a Minister or a Parliamentary Secretary;

Proceedings – the actions taken by the Assembly or by a committee, the most important parts of the proceedings are the decisions that are taken;

Prorogue – it ends a session of Assembly, but does not dissolve it;

Put the Question – to put a motion before the Assembly to a vote;

Question – subject to the provisions of the rules, a question may be asked for the purpose of obtaining information on a matter of public concern within the special cognizance of the Minister to whom it is addressed;

Question Hour – a time fixed under the rules for asking/answering questions;

Question of privilege – a member may, with the consent of the Speaker, raise a question involving a breach of privilege either of a member or of the Assembly or of a Committee;

Questions to Private Members – a question may be addressed to a private member provided the subject-matter of the question relates to some Bill, resolution or other matter connected with the business of the Assembly for which that member is responsible;

Quorum – is the minimum number of members of Assembly necessary to conduct the business of the Assembly. Under Article 55(2) of the Constitution, 1/4th of the total membership of the Assembly is required for Quorum;

Quorum Call – to draw the attention of the Presiding Officer to the absence of a quorum;

Referral to a Committee – the sending of a bill, a resolution, a question or any other matter to a committee for study and report. Depending on the objectives of the referral, it may be made to a standing or special committee or to a Committee of the Assembly;

Resolution – a motion for the purpose of discussing and expressing opinion on a matter of general public interest and includes a resolution specified in the Constitution;

Roll of Members – a register in which newly elected members sign, after making the oath and before taking their seats for the first time in the Assembly. It is kept on the Table of the Assembly;

 Rules – the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of an Assembly;

Secretary – the highest ranking officer of the Assembly;

Sergeant-at-Arms – is an officer appointed by a Speaker or the chairman to carry out his order in respect to keep order in the Assembly;

Session – the period commencing on the day of the first sitting of the Assembly after having been summoned and ending on the day the Assembly is prorogued or dissolved;

Sitting – a meeting of the Assembly or that of a Committee on a day;

Speaker – is the head of a legislature who is elected from amongst the member through secret ballot and performs function as mentioned in Constitution;

Starred Question – a question for an oral answer;

State – The state, under Article 7 of the Constitution means the Federal Government, Parliament, a Provincial Government, a Provincial Assembly, and such local or other authorities in as are by law empowered to impose any form of tax

Subcommittee – a Committee may, with the approval of the Speaker, appoint a sub-committee, for a specified function arising out of the matter referred to the Committee;

Supplementary Budget an expenditure statement introduced to provide funds to the Government to meet new or additional expenses in a fiscal year;

Table – means the Table of the Assembly and includes its Library. It is the place where the Secretaries sit to look after the administration of the Assembly;

Un-starred question – a question for a written answer.

Verbatim – the official reports without any editing initially transcribed by Reporters;