Functions of Assembly Sections


Functions of Legislation Section:

The functions of Legislation Section include but are not limited to the following:

Processes Legislative work; including work connected with the summoning and prorogation of the Assembly, government and private members’ Bills and Amendments, Annual Supplementary and Excess Budget,Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, Select Committees, Special Committees, Committee on Petitions, allotment of days for various categories of Business and issuance of the Orders of the Day,maintenance of the Bills Register; processing of Resolutions, Adjournment Motions, Call Attention Notices, Privilege Motions, Questions,Rulings, framing of Rules of Procedure and papers laid on the Table of the House, intimation regarding the arrest and detention of members; matters relating to the general elections, by-elections, disqualification or resignation of MPAs; compilation of Journal of House proceedings; and preparation of summary of Business transacted in each session of the Assembly.



Functions of Administration & Establishment Section:

The functions of Administration Section include but are not limited to the following:

Deals with general administration of the Provincial Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, matters related to members and staff, activities ranging from implementation of policies and procedures of hiring, promotion, training of staff, and monitoring. The spectrum of its activities range from sophisticated and strategic involvement in policy matters relating to the status and reorganization of the Assembly Secretariat to very routine matters such as logistic support, allotment of official residential accommodation to members and staff of the Assembly Secretariat etc.



Functions of Public Accounts Committee Section:

The functions of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) include but are not limited to the following:

The PAC Section assistthe Committee in the examination of the Auditor General’s Reports referred to it and such other financial matters as referred by the Minister for Finance or the Chairman from time to time,receipts of Auditor General’s Reports and making arrangements for laying the same before the House, preparation of schedule of meetings and its transmission along with notice to all concerned, arrange holding meetings of Public Accounts Committee/Sub-Committees as per the directions of Chairperson PAC/Convener, preparation of minutes of the meetings of Public Accounts Committee/Sub-Committees/Follow-up of the directions of Committees/Inter Departmental Committee and Verification of RecordCommittees pertaining to the Administrative Departments andconsolidate PAC recommendations in the shape of report for approval of the Committee and its transmission to the Departments after adoption of the House, all tasks relating to Sub-Committees including Notifications, Minutes, Reports etc, making arrangements for laying report of PAC in the House and its adoption, correspondence with the Administrative Departments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regarding Current Business and Follow-up Business of PAC, keeping liaison with Members of PAC to ensure their presence in the meetings.



Functions of Finance & Accounts Section:

The functions of Finance & Accounts Section include but are not limited to the following:

Plays a vital role in the preparation of Budget for the Provincial Assembly and its Secretariat. This Section provides assistance to the Finance Committee in controlling of expenditures of the Provincial Legislature within authorized appropriations. It oversees the disbursement of money into objects and heads as authorized by the Assembly and assist the Principal Accounting Officer in the overall management of money, financial transactions and planning. The Finance & Accounts Section ensures that funds are used effectively; accounts are properly recorded & summarized; and financial statements are maintained, accurately. It also provides assistance to the Principal Accounting Officer in ensuring compliance with financial regulations, procurement process and responding to Audit matters.

Apart from the above, this Section also administers Provincial Laws related to salaries and allowances of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Members of the Provincial Assembly.



Functions of the Editing & Publication Section:

The functions of Editing & Publication Section include but are not limited to the following:

Edits official transcription of House proceedings for clarity, accuracy and consistency of its content by improving the overall quality of transcribed material. The Editing & Publication Section applies editing conventions i.e. proper grammar, punctuation and formatting for maintaining consistent style of debates. The Section works with collaboration with official Reporters to align and tailor verbatim for ensuring timely publication of debates.



Functions of Translation Section:

The functions of Translation Section include but are not limited to the following:

Produces translation of written documents into parliamentary languages such as Urdu, Pashto and English. These include a variety of items such as Bills, Questions, Resolutions, Call Attentions Notices, Ordinances, Acts and other documents used in parliamentary proceedings. The main aim of this Section is to enable Members in understanding of written documents used in the Assembly proceedings without facing the language barriers.



Functions of Interpretation Section:

The functions of Interpretation Section include but are not limited to the following:

Interprets any speech immediately after its delivery on the floor of the House into abstract from English, Urdu or Pashto to either or both of the other two languages. Moreover, the Section performs consecutive interpretation of any Adjournment Motion, Privilege Motion, Resolution, Call Attention and Question etc. read on the floor of the House or interpretation of any reference given from the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and Conduct of Business Rules, 1988 or any other law by any Member during his arguments.

Apart from the above, the Section may also perform whispered interpretation of parliamentary languages whenever needed during official visits or meetings of foreign or local delegations.



Functions of the Reporting Section:

The functions of Reporting Section include but are not limited to the following:

Transcribes verbatim of debates held in the Assembly and its Committees into accurate and timely record of proceedings. The official reporters transcribe what the Members say in the Chamber of the Assembly and Committee Rooms. The Official Report of such transcription is known as the “Debates” translated as “Mobahisaat”.



Functions of Public Relations& Media Section:

The functions of Public Relations & Media (PRM) Section include but are not limited to the following:

Communicates with the public, caters the needs of the Press and provides all possible facilities for coverage of the day-to-day proceedings of the Assembly, Committees, Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Leader of the Opposition. The mandate of the PRM Section is diverse which encompasses from managing communication between the Press Correspondents and the Provincial Assembly, attending the needs of electronic & print media to the handling of social media for the dissemination of information in order to create a positive image of the Assembly. This Section uses local and national media as a tool for public relations and coverage of all the activities especially Business of the Assembly and its Committees held within the walls of Provincial Assembly for proper projection of the Provincial Legislature.



Function of Estate Office:

The functions of Estate Office include but are not limited to the following:

Manages and oversees the overall estate of the Assembly and administration of the official residence of Members i.e. MPA Hostel. It is responsible for maintenance, new constructions, beautification, furnishing and rehabilitation of main building of the Assembly along with the attached buildings of this Secretariat and reservation of official accommodation of the Honourable Members of the Assembly throughout the Country. The Estate Office also deals with the affairs of the Standing Committee on House & Library.


  1. Law Section

Functions of Law Section:

The functions of Law Section include but are not limited to the following:

Responsible for defending legal interests of this Secretariat in the courts of law and pursuing court cases on behalf of Mr. Speaker, Secretary Assembly and Assembly Secretariat. The Law Section also tenders opinion on legal questions referred to it, draft private members’ Bills and attends the affairs of Judicial Committee.



Functions of Store Section:

The functions of Store Section include but are not limited to the following:

Inventory management,maintaining records, stock monitoring, issuance and receipt,procurement support, requisition processing, supplier coordination, quotation and tender management,storage and organization, warehouse management, categorization and labelling, space optimization, asset management, tracking and auditing support, maintenance coordination,compliance and reporting, and pertinent reporting.



Functions of the Coordination & Protocol Section:

Thefunctions of Coordination & Protocol Section include but are not limited to the following: Responsible for handling various responsibilities related to immigration, Passports, itineraries and official procedures in connection with official visits, events, ceremonies etc. held locally as well as abroad. The Section organizes, manages and oversees such visits or events wherein Speaker, Deputy Speaker and other entitled dignitaries are supposed to participate or delegation, groups or visitors are planned to arrive. While dealing with such matters the Section oversees etiquette, adheres to established protocols and coordinates with different offices and individuals ensuring smooth execution of formalities and events.

Apart from the above, the Section also assists the Members in availing privilege to arm licenses and keeps liaison between Government Departments in provision of replies to Assembly Questions and Resolutions.




Functions of Library & Research Section:

The functions of Library & Research Section include but are not limited to the following: Support Members of the Assembly in the performance of their role as legislators, representatives, supervisors and decision-makers through provision of information, of reference and research services. This Section not only provides access to information to Members and Parliamentary Committees but also provides contextual information& research services to secretariat staff. Library & Research is an essential resource for legislators for informed decision-making.



Functions of Information Technology Section:

The functions of Information Technology Section include but are not limited to the following: Responsible for management of IT operations in the Assembly Chamber and its Secretariat which includes but not limited to designing & implementation of IT strategies and infrastructure, management of network infrastructure, Database management, maintaining software applications, system administration and providing technical support to users in troubleshooting of technical issues with hardware and software. This Section also provides IT related trainings, maintains the official website of the Provincial Assembly and oversees the IT related projects in the Assembly Secretariat.



Functions of Transport Section:

The functions of Transport Section include but are not limited to the following:

Responsible for provision of official vehicles to the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and Leader of the Opposition and officers of this Secretariat. It is also responsible for maintenance and repair of official vehicles, provision of POL, regulating unauthorized use of staff cars and disposal of condemned vehicles.



Functions of Electrical Section:

The functions of Electrical Section include but are not limited to the following:

Mainly responsible for the arrangement, operation and maintenance of electrical installations for smooth supply of electricity in the Assembly Secretariat.



Functions of HVAC Section:

The functions of HVAC Section include but are not limited to the following:

Performs various functions to ensure comfort and air quality in indoor spaces of this Secretariat e.g. offices and Chambers by regulating temperature, control humidity, circulate and filter air, and maintain ventilation by operating HVAC system installed in the Secretariat. The Section also provides assistance in maintenance and repair of individual air conditioning units installed in the offices and official residences of Speaker and Members outside of the HVAC system. In short, this Section provides a comfortable and healthy working environment for Members and Officers.



Functions of Sound System Section:

The functions of Sound System Section include but are not limited to the following:

Manages the overall operation of Simultaneous Interpretation System (SIS) in the Assembly Secretariat Building during Assembly Sessions. It oversees the Main SIS operation, along with maintaining and operating local video transmission and managing live broadcasting. Additionally, it handles the upkeep of interpretation systems and records the audio/video transmissions of Assembly Sessions, as well as the proceedings of committees. Moreover, it facilitates the direct broadcast of audio/videos to Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PTV & Radio Pakistan) and collaborates with the IT Section on technical matters. Furthermore, it’s responsible for the upkeep and operation of CCTV cameras within the Assembly Chamber, as well as maintaining the Wireless Public Address Systems.



Functions of Security Section:

The functions of Security Section include but are not limited to the following: responsible for the enforcement of security arrangements in the Provincial Assembly and itsSecretariat in coordination with other concerned security agencies. The Security Section performs round the clock (24/7) duties. Sergeant-At-Arms being in-charge of the Section carries out orders and directions of the Speaker for maintaining order in the House and Lobbies & Galleries attached to the House. This Section also regulates the entry of strangers and visitors to the Assembly and its Secretariat.



 Functions of Diary & Dispatch Section:

The functions of Diary & Dispatch Section include but are not limited to the following:

Carries out receipt, distribution and dispatch of mail, maintains a diary of incoming/outgoing mail,and maintains list of addresses of MPAs and staff of the Assembly.



Functions of Notice Section:

The functions of Notice Section include but are not limited to the following:

Acts as a liaison or bridge between the MPAs and the Assembly Secretariat includes: receiving and keeping track of various notices from members in respect of Bills, Calling Attentions, Questions, Motions, Resolutions and Amendment Bills etc., and submit them respectively to the concerned sections.
