List of Business

24 May 2024 (BS)

Budget Documents

a Budge Speech 2024-25

ab Recommendation of The Government For Demand For Grants Annual Budget 2024-25

bb Recommendation of The Government For Demand For Supplementary Grants Budget 2023-24

ca White Paper 2024-25

cb Annual Development Programm-ADP 2024-25

da Citizen Budget 2024-25

ea Annual Budget Statement 2024-25

eab Supplementary Budget Statement 2023-24

eb DFG Development MDs 2024-25

ec DFG Development-Settled 2024-25

f Estimates of Receipts 2024-25

ga DFG Part-A -Prov Assembly- Gen Admin- Finance- Bureau of Statistics- Treasuries- LFA- PnD- STnIT- Revenue- Excise- Home- Jails

gb DFG Part-B -Police

gc DFG Part-C -Administration of Justice

gd DFG Part-D -Higher Education Archives n Libraries

ge DFG PART-E -Health

gf DFG Part-F CnW- Roads- Buildings n Structure- PHE- Local Govt Agriculture

gg DFG Part-G -Animal Husbandry- CO-Operation- Environment- Forestry- Fisheries- Irrigation

gh DFG Part-H -Industries- Mineral Dev Stationery n Printing- Population- Technical Edu Labour- IPR- Social Welfare- Zakat

gi DFG Part-I -Auqaf- Relief- Sports- Housing- IPC- Energy n Power- Transport- EnSE- Pension- Subsidies- Pro-Poor Initiative n Insaf Food Card